Friday 20 May 2011

Is coming! is coming!! is coming!!!

Hey! You know that summer reading list you made to get you through all of the down time that awaits you? Well, chuck it. That's right, toss it into file 13. Go ahead, do it. Because I've got your summer reading list right here! All of the reading joy a girl or boy could ever want in one easy* to read volume. The only book that you should be curled up with this summer, is a cuddly wuddly copy of Ulysses!

Yes, the time is now. The blog to help get you through the greatest novel ever is on it's way. And your trusty guide? Yours truly!

So, save the date, June 16th, and look for weekly posts from Ulysses for the Rest of Us!

Tales of brave Ulysses (on the Liffey)!
Is coming! is coming!! is coming!!!

See ya real soon!

*by easy I mean not all that easy (but hey, that's why you have me!)


  1. Ok, ok, perhaps the time has come that I read that damn book, just so I can understand YOU better! I will give it a try. How hard can it be? :)

  2. Exactly! If I can read it, it can't be that hard:)
